UX Designer | Design Strategist

CVS Health (Coy)


As the Experience Designer for CVS's Homepage Redesign Team, I led UX for both web and mobile platforms. My role involved collaboration with UX researchers, UI designers, content strategists, and accessibility experts, as well as regular communication with Pharmacy, Retail, and Membership leaders. Initially part of the Omnichannel UX Strategy Design team, I returned to the Homepage Redesign Team post-strategy approval, contributing significantly to the homepage's improved user experience and functionality. This led to increased usage and reduced customer service calls, without impacting the online shopping experience.

RESEARCH, Omnichannel UX Strategy

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Research conducted by User Researchers on Omnichannel UX Strategy team. As a member of the UX Strategy team, I listened to recorded interviews, extrapolated and documented information, and contributed to the researcher’s synthesized data.



The Omnichannel UX Strategy team, which I was a part, collectively created the Design Guidelines. After research work, brainstorming sessions with our team, cross-functionally, and after discussions with key stakeholders, we produced an affinity map of principles, which contributed to the Design Guidelines.

These KPIs remained consistent and acted as touchstones throughout the homepage redesign process:

  • Increase health & wellness brand perception

  • Increase engagement with health offerings on Homepage

  • Do no harm to Shop

Tone and point of view were considered at this stage.



These are the personas and archetypes that CVS utilizes and integrates into their products and services. When we ideate and design, we are empathizing with these customers, thinking of their pain points and ways to improve their experience. Displayed here are key questions we asked regarding how we might best serve our customers.


Problem Statements

Examples of problem statements that were derived from workshops that I helped to facilitate. A problem statement summarizes the pain point or problem that our personas are experiencing and that we are seeking to solve through effective design.


Customer Experience Research

Discussions with representatives from our Customer Experience partners (Voice of Customer team) and analysis of their data provided deeper insight into the customers’ needs. VoC had verbatim comments and complaints from users about their digital experience. VoC provided a helpful perspective on what needed to be improved.  


Wireframe / prototype, UX Strategy

Wireframe for homescreen redesign on mobile app.

Wireframe for homepage redesign on desktop.

Prototype for mobile app homescreen redesign. Created by UI Designer on the UX Strategy team. The Homepage Redesign team refined the design, ensuring that it aligned with the business areas and marketing, honing the content strategy, utilizing the CVS design system, and making sure it adhered to accessibility standards. The high-fidelity prototypes were produced by UI designers on respective teams.


I assisted the Design Lead in preparing and facilitating workshops in which designers, developers, engineers, scrum masters, managers and other stakeholders across the various lines of business (pharmacy, health, shop, deals & rewards) participated.

I gathered and synthesized the data. Here are examples of the affinity mapping and diagramming to determine KPIs for CVS health services.

Wireframes - Foundational; Homepage redesign team

Basic wireframe exhibiting the three points of entry into the mobile app:

  • Pharmacy

  • Shop

  • Health Services (seasonal content)

Basic Prototype featuring the three main components:

  • Pharmacy

  • Shop

  • Health Services

wireframe - Zones & Goals

The mobile app was divided into zones that correlated with key lines of business (LOB); shopping experience; memberships, deals and rewards; and seasonal content. Each zone had its respective goals, which I summarized after our team brainstorming sessions. The goals are indicated here in the columns to the far right of the wireframe. The Homepage Redesign Team ensured that our iterations would reflect the objectives set forth by the UX Strategy Team, i.e. maintaining “evergreen” themes and evolving the seasonal content.

As the Experience Designer in charge of UX, I liaised between the LOBs, my design team, design management, and the product development team. I facilitated cross-team communication, which eliminated duplicate work.

Wireframe and Basic LOB User Flow

Fundamental mobile information architecture featuring wireframe and respective Lines of Business (LOB) landing screens from CTAs.


This page displays the App Homepage Overview and was created and presented by the design team’s dedicated UX researcher. The UX Research team conducted user interviews, did usability testing, documented and delivered the data, which the design team could utilize to make informed decisions on next steps or rethink solutions. An example of actionable feedback: Including a clear entry point into the Shop module of the app, affording users the option to directly peruse the Shop section.

ux research - Shop overview

This image was created and presented by the UX researcher and shows the App Shop Overview. The researher provided pros and cons (as described by users) of the app, and recommendations on how to improve it based on customer feedback. The design team considered this data in decisions going forward. User recommendations included reducing the number of entry points to purchasing products. This minimized confusion and decreased the perception that users were being pushed to purchase products they did not need.

wireframes - based on Research data, Business Needs, and Design Strategy

Wireframes - Further Development

mid-fi prototypes

Pharmacy - User Flow for Existing App

Pharmacy - in progress User Flow for App redesign

Competitive/Comparative Analysis - Onboarding

An important part of the homepage redesign was strategizing an onboarding experience for the user. I researched the competitive/comparative landscape for onboarding on apps and created a visual and written analysis that essentialized the best and not recommended practices of our competitors. I also distilled the fundamental questions we needed to address regarding the purpose and process of onboarding.